When I got out…

When I got out of hospital, almost 6 weeks had passed. It was truly terrifying being out, the world seemed to move fast and be SO VAST… After the cushioning and security of hospital, I felt really lost and vulnerable my first few days out. I was emotional and uncertain, and didn’t know what the future held for me…

My very first night out I painted the first of the #cantfly series – “If I could only fly…”. This piece is very personal to me and one of the favourite things I’ve created. It shows such a yearning to take flight… just how I felt.

My first weekend out my gorgeous husband suggested we turn our study into part-studio, so we purchased a draft table. I love it – lots of space to spread out and I can angle it for sketching vs painting. And it makes me feel like a “real” painter! It’s helped me having a space I can retreat to – away from the family when I need “me” time. It’s been the perfect place to keep my creativity flowing.  And with time, I have gotten used to being out of hospital.  I am used to being a wife and a mum again, used to being a daughter and a friend. Every day it feels less and less like an act.  😊

One comment on “When I got out…”

  1. Marnie, I love me ‘can’t fly’ artworks. I was drawn to them as I thought of so many stories they hold for everyone of us. At some point in our lives there are things or people to seem to pull us back and it’s these episodes that make us stronger. 😘

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